There is a difference when someone has tried to throw something together without the proper material or knowledge. It costs more time and money to fix all the problems that come with a renovation "gone wrong".
You know that commercial "call before you dig" Well, same thing applies. Get the facts before you give the go ahead to just anyone. Get yourself a quote from reputable people. Read their testimonials, review their website, get recommendations, look at their work they have done before.
There are certain specs that need to be done to code in order to enure the safety of your family. Don't let just anyone run your project, cheaping out doesn't get you anywhere but back to the bank for more money.
Having piece of mind is vital with a reno. It already sucks if your living right smack in the middle of all of it. So why would you even consider someone put you through more unecessary time. Getting it done right the first time and moving into that transition with ease is a way better feeling then stressing, spending, and living in disaster. You get what you pay for at the end of the day.