Saturday 28 July 2012

Take a hike :)

Ever feel like you are so overwhelmed with everyday life?? Being busy all the time can really start to bog you down. Getting out into the true beauty of nature can really help to relieve that stress ball and get those creative juices flowing again!!!

Soaking up all mother nature has to offer can help release those energies that just bring you down and help uplift your senses and bring you back to feeling more grounded and alive.

I always feel like I can connect with this true beauty and it really helps me to let go and allow all the creative juices to flow!!! I come up with new ideas as I call them "visions" that help me with my next plan of action. I'm a dreamer and I never stop dreaming. I believe that we are all here on purpose and with creative skills to bring to life and feel so empowered from it all.

You will be blown away all the great fun creative ideas that come your way when you really let go and leave all the hustle and bustle behind and start to let your mind rest.

Connecting with mother nature will connect you with all you need to move forward! Believe in yourself, take that first step, and never give up! You can have anything you want in this life you just need to believe in yourself and your on your way!

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Birthday Parties

Don't you just love birthday parties??? Especially for your kids! It gives me so much joy to see how happy my daughter is on her birthday now that she is getting older! This year we did a Hello Kitty theme. Everything was Hello Kitty, and she just loved it.  But nothing makes a party more loving and fun then to have those amazing friends and family over to share it with you.

I can't thank my friends and family enough for coming out to share our special day. We had so many laughs, and that's really what it is all about.  Hearing all the kids laughing, and running around makes for a party well done!!!! When you can hear the joy and fun in the kids, it really makes you stop and think to enjoy every moment yourself, and not be so uptight. Let loose and have fun, kids do it all the time and we could learn a thing or two from them.