Tuesday 23 October 2012

C.A.W.E.S. Transformation

So a few years ago I was going through a very rough time in my life. I had to find something to clear my head and something that I could turn my energy around because I had to stop feeling sorry for myself. So I phoned the women's shelter in Red Deer and asked them if they needed some volunteers. The lady I spoke with asked what I did because she saw my email signature and thought I would be able to help with a make over project to update some rooms for the women and children that come to live with them. I set up a meeting to see go see the rooms for myself and when I walked in I felt so cold. The rooms were so not inviting and had a hospital feel to them. I couldn't imagine the feeling they have running for their lives let alone stay in a room that isn't very inviting or warm??? Like my motto says, every room deserves to sparkle!!!!! And I knew in my heart I had to help. Since that day I have been raising money to transform the rooms so that when these women and children that have to go there, can feel safe and warm and have the energy and strength they need to start all over. After talking to the ladies in the shelter and being there almost everyday for 2 weeks I feel like its such a big family and I was so honored to work there. I raised enough so far to do 2 rooms and those rooms I am hoping are just the beginning of what I can do for that whole place. I am so grateful to each and every person who was able to help me with this incredible journey!!! I have met so many amazing women along the way and I can't wait to continue to work on the rest of the rooms!!!!

Friday 5 October 2012

Clear your home and allow more positive flow into your life

When you first walk into your home, you should have a feeling of joy and relaxation come over your body. You should feel so excited to be there. Or are you walking through the door that barely even opens to find your body clench and tighten because you can't stand to see stuff everywhere it's NOT suppose to be?

It's impossible to come home to the ones you love with open arms when all you see is overwhelming clutter that is busting at the seams of your lovely home.

Your so busy with work and life that you can't seem to ever find the time to deal with it, let alone find any time for yourself!!!

Well, I believe there is a way if you really want to make a change, you have to commit. Commit yourself to do 1 thing a week, one little corner or 1 drawer...anything to get you started. Then you can commit to one more thing the following week. Cant do it weekly??? Then plan for once a month! But you have to make that step or you will always procrastinate and never get it done.

Soon you will begin to notice that you have more energy and more time for yourself. How can the mind rest if it is always in stress mode?

Clear your space, it will clear your mind and make more room for love, joy and happiness.