Monday, 10 June 2013


This set of rooms was so amazing for me. I love putting color together, it's so invigorating and uplifting! A perfect fit for the C.A.W.E.S wouldn't you agree???

Being surrounded by beauty and color raises your energy. I truly believe when you surround yourself around this type of energy, you can do anything! Color makes you happy, notice how you feel when you wear more color and keep away from boring black? Color truly raises your vibration and can help in healing, which is exactly what the women and children who stay at C.A.W.E.S. need.

I am so thankful to be able to help so many amazing women and their children, to help lift their spirits and give them the strength they need to heal and get back on their feet.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Arranging Your Furniture

Have you ever felt that you are lousy when it comes to arranging the furniture in your home? That maybe you aren't feeling the flow, but you aren't quite sure where to even begin?

Try and look at your room in your mind on this diagram.

Divide your room mentally in your head. When you have it divided into four's, you can see the scale of the room in regards to weight.

If the majority of your furniture is in one corner of the square, think about how much weight is shifted on the one side. How can you get that nice flowing feeling when all the weight is on one side of the room?

Try arranging it so you fill up all the squares evenly with your main pieces. Try and have 36" of walking space around everything. Anything less will feel too tight and not flow smoothly.

Change is good, so why not try arranging your furniture on an angle away from the wall?

Have fun with this, move your entire room around until you feel good in your own space, this helps people who cannot visualize this in their own mind.