Friday 20 April 2012

Open house for a good CAWES

Don't forget to come and check out our open house this Saturday to support your local women and children who need out support!
Checkout our online brochure for more details
We are giving away a de-clutter makeover and flower arrangement for a door prize and so much more has been donated! All the money raised will go towards the Reno makeover plan at our central Alberta women's emergency shelter

Thursday 19 April 2012

Need more energy???

Another question I wasn't sure about answering on the radio show was where I get all my energy to accomplish all the things that I am doing?!
Well I would have to say from working out! I do yoga, weights, kickboxing and running and it is truly what keeps me going. It clears my mind and gives me much more energy then I thought I could have for that day!
If you really want to start working out but have no idea where to start let me suggest checking out Jillian Michaels workout videos!!!! They are super inspiring and push you to your limit and make results happen!
Here is a picture of my daughter at 2 1/2 wanting to workout with me while I run on my treadmill :)
Have a super fantastic day my friends!!!

Bucket List

So after speaking on the radio for my girlfriend Robyn Beazley's radio show, she made me realize I should have a bucket list!!!! Do you have a bucket list?
I have a dream board up in my bathroom that I look at all the time to inspire me to reach my goals.
But a bucket list I don't have and it something that interests me so much!
What do you want to do before you kick the bucket?!
Well I want to surf in Maui, I want to swim in a beautiful waterfall! That's all I have for now, but I will keep adding to my list!
What are you going to add to your bucket list?!

Sunday 15 April 2012

Why "stage"

So you may ask yourself what would be the benefit in having a professional stager come in and stage your space? Well first of all as a seller you want top dollar for your place! The closer to your asking price the better and you don't wanna wait forever for the sale either! Staging works so your space is sold faster and for more money!
As a buyer, you may not have the vision to see what the space holds for you if you were to buy the place! And you have a clearer picture of how the space will work for you and there is more of a chance you will jump on the place and make an offer!
Staging works...we guarantee it! Try it today! What have you got lose?