Monday, 14 January 2013

How to attract more potential buyers to sell your home

Houses in today's market aren't selling like they use to, you have to do a bit more work to attract more potential buyers to sell your home. Are you thinking about listing your home? Or, is your home on the market and you aren't getting any movement???

Here are a few simple ways to attract more buyers now!

Pack up some of your stuff, don't overwhelm anyone who walks into your home with all your years of stuff, they will walk in and turn right back around. Nobody wants to feel that suffocating feeling of clutter when they are looking for their new home.

Clean your home with soap and water
Hire someone if you don't like to clean, but a dirty home will not attract a buyer. Have some sparkle so that your potential buyer can have a wow factor and be impressed.

Potential buyers walk into a home and want to be able to feel living there and having their own things in place. It's really hard for them to have that vision with all of your family pics everywhere all over your home.

You are going to move anyway, so why not get packing? Store some of your stuff so you have more of a chance of selling your home faster and for more money.

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