Tuesday 19 February 2013

Mirrored t.v's?

What is a mirrored t.v.?

I absolutely dislike a t.v. mounted above a fireplace. So here is a perfect way to cover up that look! Guys, you can still watch your sports, just when your not watching it, us girls have something much nicer on our feature fireplace! Turn off the t.v. and you have a nice mirror above your beautiful fireplace.

No one would even know until you turn it on that it is a t.v. Awesome right??? These work so great because it is really hard to get your husband convinced he can't have a t.v. right there.

I find the best thing is compromise lol
Sure honey you can have a t.v. there as long as it looks like something other then a big thick piece of technology on the heart of our home. A fireplace is the main feature focal point of your room. It has so many earthly elements from stones to wood to fire!!!

Keep it looking beautiful. Add some sparkle to your fireplace!

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