Wednesday 26 September 2012

Calgary Home and Design show

So I went to the Calgary Home and Design show this past Saturday. It was such a beautiful day had a great drive from Red Deer, but I thought it was going to be much bigger then it was. And I was so sad I really was hoping to buy a new steamer!! That's ok because Red Deer hosts theirs in March so I am hoping to find one there!

It was nice to walk around and see all the booths and their amazing items. We ran into the hot tub guy that we had spoken to a while back, and oh man would it have been nice to bring one of those bad boys home. I am sure we will run into him in the Spring at the show.

So when I am all done with these 3 fundraisers and work projects for the remainder of the year, I am so looking forward to planning and designing up our booth for the home show. January 2, 2013 I can start working on it...hahahahaha - Crazy year....fabulous year, but very go - go - go - !

Some of my items for my booth are going to include chandeliers, wallpaper, wainscoting.....oh and furniture and pillows!!!! Can't wait looking forward to it.

Friday 21 September 2012

Getting ready for BTB

So I went to Micheal's today, because I really need to start putting together my flower arrangement for my silent auction item for the BTB this year which includes this flower arrangement, picture frame (which I am still shopping around for) and a staging gift certificate. I LOVE these colors together seriously now all I want to do is get this all done RIGHT NOW! haha - Okay, so check these colors out!!!!!! Ouwwwwwwwwwwww

It doesn't look like much yet, but just wait! How can you tell I love what I do right. I just get way to excited when it comes to being creative, that's why I think I have so much energy to do what I have to do ....cause I absolutely love what I do. And I have an amazing family that love me so much :) Anyway...let's look at these items a little more closely so you can see how pretty it really is!!!!

Can't wait to put it all together. I will show you what it looks like when I am done. Just to fill you in tho in case your aren't sure what I am talking about when I say "Black Tie Bingo". It is our event that our Rotary Club committee members put on in Red Deer ( HUGE event for our city! Wait till I show you what the night looks like because I am decorating the whole place and OMG it is going to be so pretty, I get goosebumps just having the vision of how it will all look!! YAY! You are gonna love it, I betcha!

Also just wanted to say, I was at the dollar store today, and bought a few bags of rocks that I use for some of my flower arrangements, $1 a bag!!!! Can't get better then that my friends! They have tons of colors and styles, I bought a few white ones to use for the flowers I am making to use on the stage beside the podium!!! Pictures and decor will be shared don't worry, I can't wait to make those bad boys!!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Change your perspective

Hmmmmm how do I do that you say?! Well, if you can try and change the way you are viewing your "current situation" (whatever that may be) look at it from a different angle, see if from someone else's will see it from a different light and this may help you get the answers you are seeking.

Friday 7 September 2012

Color has meaning...WHAT????

You betcha!!! Color has meaning, and by not identifying the different characteristics of color, you can really change the mood of your entire space.

Right now I am working on a project with the Central Alberta Women's Emergency Centre, raising funds to do room makeover's to the entire home. Check it out at

We have to keep the walls to 1 paint color, for maintenance purposes, with 36 rooms, they aren't scanning through piles of paint cans to touch up each room with a different color. Get the concept? Alright, so right now the rooms are a YELLOW!  So, we hear yellow we think, awwwww the sun shines yellow, what a warm and inviting color right? This is true. Yet there is a negative aspect to YELLOW, it can also bring on anxiety and depression!! Yuck right....I don't like that one bit, especially not for the rooms for women and their children to come to start a new life. Right???

So saying that I am going next week to pick a new paint color, I would like to find a nice soft warm Green! Green is the color of balance and growth! I like the sounds of that already.

If you find that you cannot repaint an entire room, and want to keep it small and simple, you can always add colors with crystals, or pillows to bring in some positive energy with color, on a smaller budget!