Friday 7 September 2012

Color has meaning...WHAT????

You betcha!!! Color has meaning, and by not identifying the different characteristics of color, you can really change the mood of your entire space.

Right now I am working on a project with the Central Alberta Women's Emergency Centre, raising funds to do room makeover's to the entire home. Check it out at

We have to keep the walls to 1 paint color, for maintenance purposes, with 36 rooms, they aren't scanning through piles of paint cans to touch up each room with a different color. Get the concept? Alright, so right now the rooms are a YELLOW!  So, we hear yellow we think, awwwww the sun shines yellow, what a warm and inviting color right? This is true. Yet there is a negative aspect to YELLOW, it can also bring on anxiety and depression!! Yuck right....I don't like that one bit, especially not for the rooms for women and their children to come to start a new life. Right???

So saying that I am going next week to pick a new paint color, I would like to find a nice soft warm Green! Green is the color of balance and growth! I like the sounds of that already.

If you find that you cannot repaint an entire room, and want to keep it small and simple, you can always add colors with crystals, or pillows to bring in some positive energy with color, on a smaller budget!

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